Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To study the energy starvation, the atp content

decomposers bacteria

Continued investigation of endogenous metabolism and survival, not sporoobrazuyuschyh anaerobic bacteria during starvation reported. Two glucose fermentation microorganisms genus Zymomonas, Zymomonas anaerobia and Zymomonas mobile, differ in that the RNA is lost much faster than Z. mobile than the Z. anaerobia, despite the survival model are very similar. And organisms are resistant to prolonged starvation. Magnesium ions inhibit RNA degradation, but does not provide protection from death. Surprisingly constant protein Z. anaerobia not seem to hide any sales or preferential degradation and resynthesis of specific proteins. Squirrel Peptococcus prevotii also surprisingly stable and strattera 25mg there is release of ammonia, probably derived from the deamination of nucleotide bases. Endogenous metabolism of the body takes in the presence of exogenous glucose. To study the energy hunger of ATP content ZP anaerobia prevotii were measured by the method lyutsyferazy fireflies. In both cases, ATP content drops sharply during the first few hours and then leveled by a small amount, it is obviously not directly related to viability. Power P. prevotii synthesize ATP during starvation therefore test intervals by adding pulses of the energy revenue substrates, such as serine, threonine and pyruvate. The ability to produce ATP by adding serine virtually abolished after 42 hours fasting. (Author).

1 comment:

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